LFT-700S Hog and Sheep Crate Scale
LFT-700S Hog and Sheep Crate Scale
This scale uses our field-tested and proven mechanical torque-bar suspension, combined with our state-of-the-art electronics package. The accuracy and dependability of this scale is unsurpassed in today’s animal scale market. The new side slide gate design makes for simple and fast operation. The simple but rugged design combined with heavy duty steel construction guarantees you an accurate and dependable scale that you can count on for many years to come.
700Lb. Cap. x 1Lb. Div. Single Animal Livestock Scale
L=60.5”; W=18”; H=38”
LFT-700S-1 is a 700 lb. Legal-For-Trade Hog/Sheep scale assembly w/load cell, and
IQ+482 digital indicator and tape printer
LFT-700S-2 is a 700 lb. Legal-For-Trade Hog/Sheep scale assembly w/load cell, and
IQ+820I digital indicator and Epson ticket printer