210 Sweep System

210 Sweep System

from $8,180.00

The New generation 210 Sweep System has a 120 degree sweep tub and has the features stockman prefer. Available open, half sheet, full sheet or with the all new tough and lightweight Bull Sheet. With many options available, this system can be designed to fit your needs. Panels easily and quickly pin together which means no swinging or noisy chains to distract livestock and the flexibility to move or add on to. Featuring a spring-loaded latch to allow for easy forward swing, but prevents the gate from swinging back, avoiding possible injury to operator. Constructed from 2 inch 14 ga. tubing, the sweep is 6’ tall with 6 horizontal rails, this system is built to last.

WW Sweep Tubs are 6′ high with 6 horizontal perimeter rails. Sweep Gate features a spring-loaded latch which allows easy forward motion but prevents gate from coming back, avoiding possible injury to operator. Optional “V” Trap includes a 60″ Gate-In-Frame which allows easy sorting or loadout of animals.

Sweep Tub Specifications

Tubing: 2″ x 14 Gauge
Height: 6′
Rail Spacing: 9 1/2”
Sheet Metal: 14 Gauge
Sweep Tub Radius: 10′

The WW “New Generation” full sheeted Sweep Tub and “V” Trap features sheet metal approximately 5′ high, allowing safety and efficiency without expensive catwalks. Sweep Gate is half sheeted, allowing gate to swing easily with minimum effort. Spring-loaded gate latch allows easy forward movement but prevents gate from coming back, minimizing risk of injury to operator.

New Generation Sweep Tub Specifications

Framework: 2″ x 14 Ga. Tubing
Sheet Metal: 14 Gauge
Swing Gate Radius: 10′

The Optional “Eliminator” Gate is available on all Sweep Tubs. The “Eliminator” Gate brings peak efficiency to your livestock operation by eliminating all corners, guaranteeing no-hassle movement of cattle and insuring maximum operator safety and minimizing stress to all livestock.

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