Solid Sweep Radius Bow - SSRBOW

Solid Sweep Radius Bow - SSRBOW
This bow provides overhead support and helps keep a constant radius in Priefert’s Rough Stock Open and Solid Sheeted Sweeps.
SSRBOW Solid Sweep Radius Bow
Designed for use with our Rough Stock Open and Solid Sweep Systems, Solid Sweep Radius Bow is used to provide overhead support for maintaining the constant and correct radius of the sweep tub. The SSRBOW features an Architectural Grade Powder Coat finish helps the product to resist rust, scratches, and fading effects of the sun to add years of life to your investment.
An essential part of our Rough Stock Open and Solid Sweep Systems, the Solid Sweep Radius Bow is designed to provide overhead support while maintaining the constant and correct radius of the sweep tub.
One radius bow is required for the 135 degree sweep.
Architectural Grade Powder Coat Finish with UV inhibitors add years of life to your investment by helping the product resist rust, scratches and fading.
Weight: 49 lbs (All weights approximate)
Architectural Grade Powder Coat Finish
Color: Grey