Manual Bison Squeeze Chute - Hi-Hog

Manual Bison Squeeze Chute - Hi-Hog

Sale Price:$11,687.00 Original Price:$15,099.00

This is NOT a cattle chute. This chute is for those looking for a safe, efficient, low stress chute designed and built for reliable bison handling.

Hi-Hog's rugged manual bison chute includes many of the same features found in the Hi-Hog hydraulic bison squeeze chute but with manual controls.

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This is a big roomy bison chute designed to accommodate even the largest of bison. And at 3,150 lbs you know this chute will stand up to what’s thrown at it.

Bison have strong fight-flight-or freeze responses which makes them highly sensitive to perceived threats. This is where good design can make an enormous difference.

What bison see, hear, and feel when they approach, enter, and are held in the bison chute will have a significant impact on how safely and efficiently you can work your bison stock. This will also impact how much stress your stock will endure in the process.

Bison are more comfortable in enclosed spaces than in environments where they can see threats all around them. This is why Hi-Hog’s bison chute is enclosed in sheet metal.

For further animal comfort, all the metal sheeting has also been caulked to reduce both noise and vibration.

To make the chute less of a threat, both the tail gate and head gate open to the full width of the squeeze chute. This provides your bison with unobstructed flow into and out of the bison chute.

The heavy checker plate floor includes sturdy 1.25” square traction bars on thirteen-inch centers to ensure your stock feel confident and secure standing on the floor.

The parallel axis squeeze action draws both slightly tapered sides in and forward at the same time. This supports and controls your bison in a centered balanced position.

The smooth interior further reduces bruising and stops stock from climbing the chute walls.

Some manufactures still use ‘open rail crash cages’. Bison have little respect for these and will make every effort to simply run through them which simply results in injuries and heightened stress.

Hi-Hog’s head cage is sheeted except for a small front window and two side windows. The windows provide enough light to encourage forward movement but not so much that your bison want to run through the window. The side windows provide visibility for the operator to see where the bison is standing in the chute.

The squeeze can be operated from either side.

The squeeze comes standard with three exit options; straight through the head gate, or out either the left or right side exit gates.

Each of the side exit gates come with four drop down panels for easy access to the body, two lift-up panels for access to the feet, and one full height shoulder panel for access to the shoulder. All access panels are sheeted on the inside.

All panel latches come with quick locks to safely secure the latches against accidental opening.

The head cage is balanced with a counterweight for effortless manual operation. Like the hydraulic model the head cage swings up so that the handler or vet have clear, safe, access to your bison’s head.

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