Litter Back Blade - PILBB

Litter Back Blade - PILBB
This heavy duty blade mounts to the 3 pt hitch on your tractor and, with its 360 degree pivoting offset and wall-scraping blade, it is ideal for windrowing.
PILBB Litter Back Blade
Litter conditions are very important to the performance and health of today’s market poultry, making proper litter management between flocks a top priority for producers. Proper litter preparation helps ensure a healthy environment for the new chicks and helps reduce the potential for bird health problems. In-house windrow composting is a cost-effective management practice that reduces the amount of pathogenic microorganisms in poultry litter. This technique improves the overall quality of litter that will be reused for the growth of successive flocks.
In-house windrow composting, or “windrowing” as it is often called, is a simple technique to implement into your litter management practices. After the birds are removed from the house, the litter is piled into windrows along the length of the house. Natural bacterial metabolism generates heat within these piles or rows. Within 48 hours, the internal temperature of these piles will surpass 130°F, which is sufficient to inactive most pathogenic microorganisms found in poultry litter. Most producers will maintain the windrows for 5-9 days before spreading the litter out to be reused for the next flock of birds. Often, producers will turn these piles during this time to release moisture, increase aeration, and ensure that all parts of the litter windrow are heated to inactive pathogens.
Given the increasing cost of quality bedding material and its decreasing availability, proper litter management is now more important than ever. Priefert’s Litter Back Black is specifically designed for litter windrowing and is a solid, yet still economical, choice for producers. This heavy duty blade mounts to the 3-point hitch on your tractor. Its 360 degree pivoting offset and wall scraping blade speeds up the house cleaning process and provides a more complete cleanout. This blade also comes with a 10” x 12” removable wing attachment to ensure that you can clean all the way to the sidewalls. With this blade, you can not only create safe litter conditions for your birds, but you will also save money by reducing expensive cleanout and shavings costs.
- Priefert’s Litter Back Blade is specifically designed for litter windrowing and is a solid, yet still economical, choice for producers. With this blade, you can not only create safe litter conditions for your birds, but you will also save money by reducing expensive cleanout and shavings costs.
- In-house windrow composting is a cost-effective management practice that reduces the amount of pathogenic microorganisms in poultry litter. This technique improves the overall quality of litter that will be reused for the growth of successive flocks.
- By allowing for fewer clean outs, producers can remove bedding at the most opportune time, significantly improving the weight and value of the litter cleanout.
- The Priefert Litter Back Blade features a 7’ reversible, double-edge cutting blade.
- This blade includes a 10” x 12” removable wing attachment that allows you to clean to the sidewalls. This attachment bolts on to the end of the blade.
- The 28” leveling skids offer 12” of adjustment to ensure consistent depth when spreading litter.
- Three pivot points allow the blade to offset up to 140 degrees (2’-4’ outside the tractor tire).
- The blade will also swivel 360 degrees and features up to 15 degrees of angle deflection.
- The Litter Back Blade is designed to be low maintenance and easy to clean with only 5 grease zerks service.
- This blade is designed to attach to the 3-point hitch on your tractor.
- Category I/Category II Pins and a 3-Point Stand are included.
- We recommend that the appropriate safety gear be worn when operating the Priefert Litter Back Blade.
- Blade Width: 84”
- Blade Width with Wing Attachment: 96”
- Blade Height: 26”
- Overall Height: 40”
- Weight: 739 lbs (Weights are approximate)
- 3-Point Hitch Attachment
- 5 grease zerks to service (2 on each of the swivel points, 1 on the pivot)
- 3 pivot points, 15% angle adjustment
- 140 degree front angle adjustment
- Reversible Dual Cutting Edge Blade rotates 360 degrees
- Includes 10” x 12” removable wing attachment
- Ships with two Category I or Category II pins
- Ships with 3-Point Stand for easy attachment
- Dip Painted Priefert Blue