Electric Number Branders - Set of 5

Electric Number Branders - Set of 5


This L & H Number Set consists of a set of five irons.

  • 1st brander has the numbers: 1, 2

  • 2nd brander has the numbers: 3, 4

  • 3rd brander has the numbers: 5, 6

  • 4th brander has the numbers: 7, 8

  • 5th brander has the numbers: 0

**Note: By inverting the six, the number nine can be made.

(Images shown are of the Electric Number Branders - Set of 3, images of the set of 5 irons is currently unavailable by L&H)

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L & H Manufacturing Company, originator of the tubular electric brander, continues to lead the industry by being the first to develop a convenient and permanent way of numbering livestock for production testing. Because branding elicits a permanent mark, the L & H Number Set is in popular demand throughout the country. Universities, Extension Services, Livestock Associations and Cattlemen have been using these sets for many years with complete satisfaction. All numbers on the brander are hot at the same time and are offset so each can be applied separately. Only a few minutes of your time is needed to make a brand that will stay with the animal for a lifetime.

Item #: 0405, 0406

Made in the U.S.A